Showering R with Love!! (And a million pictures....)
I've never been very good at celebrating myself.
This dates back to my the day of my birth, December 27th. The week between Christmas and New Years is possibly the worst time to be born. During this week, the world is resting after celebrating the best of all the holidays and looking forward to celebrating a New Years in just a few days. No one wants to celebrate a meager birthday. (Word of advice to expectant mothers, try and hold them in until January, even if it means you have to wait for that tax break ;)
And so it is, I grew up not feeling the need to celebrate my birthday. (Although my mom did a great job at doing it for me.) And now that translates into adulthood. Looking back, I felt awkward at my Wedding Shower. Every one was there for just me and that's not something I'm used to.
But apparently a Baby Shower is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!!
As I understand it, the Baby Shower exists to shower the baby with gifts. We're not there to celebrate the mother, though the mother receives a bit of the praise, we're there to celebrate the unborn baby. This one minor change allowed me to fully enjoy the Baby Shower. And what a fun day it was!!!!
The Cupcakes:
All the guests were treated to this beautiful home made display of personalized mermaid cupcakes. My mother in law, C, really went above and beyond in creating these little tasty gems, complete with white chocolate shell toppers! Thank you, C!
The Books:
My only requirement for the shower was that instead of cards, that tend to get lost in the shuffle, or at least with me they do, was to bring a baby book instead. My wonderful mom create this cute little insert and the guests delivered in spades. A few stand out books include an Australian version of the 12 Days of Christmas from Aunt Leslie and a very worn hand me down copy of Good Night Moon, loved and signed by my sassy 4 year old niece.
The Photo Booth:
My wonderful photographer mother set up a photo booth at the exit and required everyone to snap a photo before they left. The results? Brilliance...

The Love:
As I mentioned, the Baby Shower's intent is to celebrate the baby, and boy did we. She was surrounded by the love of Moms, Grandmas and Great Grandmas, family, and friends (both new and old). I've never been more proud of anything in my life. I hope she felt all the same love I felt that day and she comes into this world with a smile on her face that never fades, even when it gets rough. <3
Again, I truly want to thank each and every person who made the trek out to Huntington Beach to celebrate my baby girl. It meant the world to me to have all the people who have ever mattered to me share their love with my Lady R. The extra time and effort put into the shower (I'm talking about the cupcakes) and the gifts (Tracy wins first prize for presentation!) didn't go unnoticed. You all mean the world to me, until R comes, then she'll be the world ;)
All Our Love,
J, J and Little Lady R
PS - Don't think I'd forget all the love and attention put into this shower by my mom. She went above an beyond in so many ways: the decor, the photos, opening up her house... Thank you mom for all your love you've shared with me over the last 30 years and for the love you're now sharing with your grand daughter!!!! Of all the lessons you've taught me over the years, I hope I held on to your mothering skills the most. And to celebrate my mom, here's a fabulous flashback photo of my mom in her 9th month of pregnancy with little 'ole me :)
This dates back to my the day of my birth, December 27th. The week between Christmas and New Years is possibly the worst time to be born. During this week, the world is resting after celebrating the best of all the holidays and looking forward to celebrating a New Years in just a few days. No one wants to celebrate a meager birthday. (Word of advice to expectant mothers, try and hold them in until January, even if it means you have to wait for that tax break ;)
And so it is, I grew up not feeling the need to celebrate my birthday. (Although my mom did a great job at doing it for me.) And now that translates into adulthood. Looking back, I felt awkward at my Wedding Shower. Every one was there for just me and that's not something I'm used to.
But apparently a Baby Shower is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!!
As I understand it, the Baby Shower exists to shower the baby with gifts. We're not there to celebrate the mother, though the mother receives a bit of the praise, we're there to celebrate the unborn baby. This one minor change allowed me to fully enjoy the Baby Shower. And what a fun day it was!!!!
The Cupcakes:
All the guests were treated to this beautiful home made display of personalized mermaid cupcakes. My mother in law, C, really went above and beyond in creating these little tasty gems, complete with white chocolate shell toppers! Thank you, C!
The Books:
My only requirement for the shower was that instead of cards, that tend to get lost in the shuffle, or at least with me they do, was to bring a baby book instead. My wonderful mom create this cute little insert and the guests delivered in spades. A few stand out books include an Australian version of the 12 Days of Christmas from Aunt Leslie and a very worn hand me down copy of Good Night Moon, loved and signed by my sassy 4 year old niece.
The Photo Booth:
My wonderful photographer mother set up a photo booth at the exit and required everyone to snap a photo before they left. The results? Brilliance...

The Love:
As I mentioned, the Baby Shower's intent is to celebrate the baby, and boy did we. She was surrounded by the love of Moms, Grandmas and Great Grandmas, family, and friends (both new and old). I've never been more proud of anything in my life. I hope she felt all the same love I felt that day and she comes into this world with a smile on her face that never fades, even when it gets rough. <3
Again, I truly want to thank each and every person who made the trek out to Huntington Beach to celebrate my baby girl. It meant the world to me to have all the people who have ever mattered to me share their love with my Lady R. The extra time and effort put into the shower (I'm talking about the cupcakes) and the gifts (Tracy wins first prize for presentation!) didn't go unnoticed. You all mean the world to me, until R comes, then she'll be the world ;)
All Our Love,
J, J and Little Lady R
PS - Don't think I'd forget all the love and attention put into this shower by my mom. She went above an beyond in so many ways: the decor, the photos, opening up her house... Thank you mom for all your love you've shared with me over the last 30 years and for the love you're now sharing with your grand daughter!!!! Of all the lessons you've taught me over the years, I hope I held on to your mothering skills the most. And to celebrate my mom, here's a fabulous flashback photo of my mom in her 9th month of pregnancy with little 'ole me :)
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